31 Days...

While it seems like ancient history now, back in 2011 I did this crazy thing and joined up with a group of women I did not know. They offered a challenge to write about anything and everything for the entire month of October. Desperately craving some discipline with these words of mine, I dove in headlong. And for thirty one days I spilled heart words into this space. It was a progression of sorts and it was a process. It was powerful and lovely and healing.

And I am still learning how to spend this life well.
I am hopeful that the journey won't ever truly end.
You can follow along here.

Spend Yourself {Day 1} :: Intro
Spend Yourself {Day 2} :: How do you spend your days
Spend Yourself {Day 3} :: On friends
Spend Yourself {Day 4} :: When it's all about me
Spend Yourself {Day 5} :: Why talk about it?
Spend Yourself {Day 6} :: The spending ...
Spend Yourself {Day 7} :: The bankrupting
Spend Yourself {Day 8} :: An Interlude
Spend Yourself {Day 9} :: Shifting the gaze
Spend Yourself {Day 10} :: Choose a side
Spend Yourself {Day 11} :: Take time to (re)discover
Spend Yourself {Day 12} :: Say "yes" to big love
Spend Yourself {Day 13} :: Be brave
Spend Yourself {Day 14} :: Be here now
Spend Yourself {Day 15} :: Celebrate life